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Get integration events for a specific integration configuration.



Returns a list of integration events belonging to a specific integration configuration, identified by its id.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

Query Parameters

    limit string

    The number of results to return in a page. By default it is set to 50.

    offset string

    The number of results to skip when returning a page. By default it is set to 0.



    integrationEvents object[]required

    A list of integration events.

  • Array [
  • idstringrequired

    The integration event's ID. Integration event IDs are incrementing integers. In other words, a more recently created integration event will always have a higher ID than an older one. This ID is represented as a string since it is a BigInt.

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

    Example: 7

    The ID of the integration that the integration event belongs to.

    Example: 42

    The date and time of when the integration event was created. In other words, the date and time of when the integration handled the event.

    Example: 2023-12-27T13:37:00+01:00

    The state of the integration event. Can be one of success, failed or successWithErrors.

    Possible values: [success, failed, successWithErrors]

    Example: failed

    Details about the state of the integration event.

    Example: Status code: 429 - Rate limit reached.
    event objectrequired

    An event describing something happening in the system


    The ID of the event. An increasing natural number.

    Possible values: >= 1


    The time the event happened as a RFC 3339-conformant timestamp.

    Example: 2023-07-05T12:56:00.000Z

    What type of event this is

    Possible values: [application-created, feature-created, feature-deleted, feature-updated, feature-metadata-updated, feature-variants-updated, feature-environment-variants-updated, feature-project-change, feature-archived, feature-revived, feature-import, feature-tagged, feature-tag-import, feature-strategy-update, feature-strategy-add, feature-strategy-remove, feature-type-updated, feature-completed, feature-uncompleted, strategy-order-changed, drop-feature-tags, feature-untagged, feature-stale-on, feature-stale-off, drop-features, feature-environment-enabled, feature-environment-disabled, strategy-created, strategy-deleted, strategy-deprecated, strategy-reactivated, strategy-updated, strategy-import, drop-strategies, context-field-created, context-field-updated, context-field-deleted, project-access-added, project-access-user-roles-updated, project-access-group-roles-updated, project-access-user-roles-deleted, project-access-group-roles-deleted, project-access-updated, project-created, project-updated, project-deleted, project-archived, project-revived, project-import, project-user-added, project-user-removed, project-user-role-changed, project-group-role-changed, project-group-added, project-group-removed, role-created, role-updated, role-deleted, drop-projects, tag-created, tag-deleted, tag-import, drop-tags, tag-type-created, tag-type-deleted, tag-type-updated, tag-type-import, drop-tag-types, addon-config-created, addon-config-updated, addon-config-deleted, db-pool-update, user-created, user-updated, user-deleted, drop-environments, environment-import, environment-created, environment-updated, environment-deleted, segment-created, segment-updated, segment-deleted, group-created, group-updated, group-deleted, group-user-added, group-user-removed, setting-created, setting-updated, setting-deleted, client-metrics, client-register, pat-created, pat-deleted, public-signup-token-created, public-signup-token-user-added, public-signup-token-updated, change-request-created, change-request-discarded, change-added, change-discarded, change-edited, change-request-rejected, change-request-approved, change-request-approval-added, change-request-cancelled, change-request-sent-to-review, change-request-schedule-suspended, change-request-applied, change-request-scheduled, change-request-scheduled-application-success, change-request-scheduled-application-failure, change-request-configuration-updated, api-token-created, api-token-updated, api-token-deleted, feature-favorited, feature-unfavorited, project-favorited, project-unfavorited, features-exported, features-imported, service-account-created, service-account-deleted, service-account-updated, feature-potentially-stale-on, feature-dependency-added, feature-dependency-removed, feature-dependencies-removed, banner-created, banner-updated, banner-deleted, project-environment-added, project-environment-removed, default-strategy-updated, segment-import, signal-endpoint-created, signal-endpoint-updated, signal-endpoint-deleted, signal-endpoint-token-created, signal-endpoint-token-updated, signal-endpoint-token-deleted, actions-created, actions-updated, actions-deleted, release-plan-template-created, release-plan-template-updated, release-plan-template-deleted, release-plan-added, release-plan-removed, release-plan-milestone-started, user-preference-updated]

    Example: feature-created

    Which user created this event

    Example: johndoe

    The is of the user that created this event

    Example: 1337

    The feature flag environment the event relates to, if applicable.

    Example: development

    The project the event relates to, if applicable.

    Example: default

    The name of the feature flag the event relates to, if applicable.

    Example: my.first.feature

    Extra associated data related to the event, such as feature flag state, segment configuration, etc., if applicable.

    Example: {"name":"new-feature","description":"Flag description","type":"release","project":"my-project","stale":false,"variants":[],"createdAt":"2022-05-31T13:32:20.547Z","lastSeenAt":null,"impressionData":true}

    Data relating to the previous state of the event's subject.

    Example: {"name":"new-feature","description":"Flag description","type":"release","project":"my-project","stale":false,"variants":[],"createdAt":"2022-05-31T13:32:20.547Z","lastSeenAt":null,"impressionData":true}
    tags object[]nullable

    Any tags related to the event, if applicable.

  • Array [
  • valuestringrequired

    The value of the tag.

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    Example: a-tag-value

    The type of the tag

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    Example: simple
  • ]
  • labelstringnullable

    The concise, human-readable name of the event.


    A markdown-formatted summary of the event.


    Detailed information about the integration event. The contents vary depending on the type of integration and the specific details.

    Example: {"message":"** created a new *slack-app* integration configuration","channels":["engineering","unleash-updates"]}
  • ]

Authorization: Authorization

name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API
curl -L '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/addons/:id/events' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <Authorization>'
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Base URL
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